

I've been tagged by Holly!! So here it goes....

1. Where is your mobile phone? in my pocket

2. Your hair? messy

3. Your Mother? The Best

4. Your Father? Always beside me

5. Your fave food? seafood

6. Your dream last night? nada

7. Your fave drink? tea

8. Your dream/goal? good health and financial freedom

9. What room are you in? kitchen

10. Your hobby? hobby who has the time???? I wish I could say scrapbooking but it's been 6 months....

11. Your fear? losing my children

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? I never plan that far in advance...

13. Where were you last night? home

14. Something you aren't? patient

15. Muffins? not really

16. Wish List Item? snow

17. Where did you grow up? mostly Moose Jaw

18. Last thing you did? took Paige to school

19. What are you wearing? yoga pants and hoodie

20. Your TV? off

21. Your Pets? crazy and fat

22. Friends? cherished

23. Your Life? changing

24. Your Mood? unambitious and sleepy

25. Missing someone? my Dad, Always

26. Vehicle? Lexus SUV

27. Something your not wearing? socks

28. Your fave store? don't have one

29. Your fave colour? pink and white

30. Last time you laughed? this morning

31. Last time you cried? last night

32. One place that you go over and over? Hallmark section of Stuffmart aka Walmart, only because I'm paid to LOL

33. One person who emails regularly? Ted

34. Fave place to eat? Anywhere I don't have to cook

We are not so patiently awaiting snow, see #14 above! The ski hill opened on Saturday but not all the runs so we need it to get cold and snow! Griffin is trying out for the Winter games this year so he will be at the hill for the next 2 weekends practicing before tryouts on the 13th! Cross all your crossable parts for him. I'm going to Jessica's school today for lunch that they are cooking in home ec! It's nice to be served like that! Paige is working really hard to get on Santa's nice list because she says she's on his naughty list! I've been trying to tell her that she is on his nice list but she insists so hey I'll go with it if it means she's being extra good!! LOL, does that make me a bad Mama? Oh really who cares I'm having fun with it! She also told her brother and sister they were on the naughty list because "they have been fighting a real lot lately and so that means they are Naughty"!

I just wanted to share a quick picture with you! My Dad was pilot a WestJet and when he passed away they dedicated a plane to him so if any of you fly WestJet look and see if your on his plane, your in good hands! Thats my Dad's wife Goldie in the cockpit window, Love that girl!! ;)


How to begin....

It's tough to post on here again when I look at the date of my last post it was the day before my life would be forever changed. Feburary 17 was an ordinary day in my life then as the afternoon of the 18th was coming to an end my whole world seemed to stop. It was about 4:30 pm and my Dad called to say he was in the hospital, I actually thought he was joking but unfortunately he wasn't. It is so hard to put any of this into words. So just over 8 months ago I received his phone call and 6 months ago this past week he passed away with us by his side at the tender age of 59. This was a man so full of life, laughter and love that it is still unbelievable to me that he is gone. 2 months of absolute frustration, sadness and disbelief was no way to end his 59 years. I wish you all could have known him and those of you who did know him I hope you knew him like I did. It is so very hard to know that I can't pick up the phone and call my Dad or I won't get a card with his name signed on it on my birthday, when I hear a jet fly over I think of my Dad, there are so many reminders every day that he is no longer here on this earth but I still talk to him everyday, I know he wished me a Happy Birthday and with every jet that flies over I believe he is on the wing watching out for all of us. The world was a better place with him in it, I only hope that God has greater plans for him. I miss you always Dad.


Check it out!!!

Just a quick post to share my love of Unity! You must check them out and sign up for the Blog Hop, just click on the link at the side!!! This company is all about FUN!!! Really don't sit here and read this post just go visit Unity!!! Really go now....don't wait....go.....and don't forget to check out their blog!!!!


How Handsome!!

Griffin got his new glasses on Friday and a new haircut!! He loves his glasses but thinks his haircut makes him look like someone from Weezer, LOL I didn't even know who Weezer was!! I am so out of touch!! So I youtubed it and now I know who they are!! I get how he thinks that but really he is so very cute don't you think!!??

Got some scrapping done this weekend so I will post those later, it felt good to do something again! I look at all the stuff I have and clean my space every week but don't find the time to use it, that is just silliness!! So I am going to create something every week, I can't commit to any more than that but at least once a week is a good start! Any scrappin goals for you this year????

Off to the ski hill again, Cheers~
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So cool!!!

So Kimmie shared this cool site on her blog and being that I am technologically challenged I was so excited. Check it out ~ HERE !! So that is how I got this neat looking blog!!! Enjoy!!

I am also very excited about a Stampin Company I recently discovered through all the blog hopping I do. Check it out Unity !!! I have placed 3 orders already as my SIL gave me a fab gift certificate for them for Christmas!!! I can't wait to get my goodies!! And although I haven't used their stamps yet I am already addicted, Angela's blog is fantastic and they are a really fun bunch with a regular weekly blog hop and a Hip Hop day that you can learn more about on Angela's blog, both take place every Thursday!! They also have a group at Split Coast Stampers!! You must stop by and take a look!!!

Thats it, thats all for now!! Cheers~



Although Christmas is over that doesn't mean winter is!! The kids were at our local ski hill this weekend having a blast. It was Paige's very first time on ski's and I think she's a natural, she was so cute crouched down just a zoomin down the hill. It was also Jessica's first time snowboarding, she loved it until she did a half face plant, half chest plant - she needs to learn to fall better!!!! Griffin is also having a great time snowboarding this year, he says it beats hockey anyday!!!

Hope your all enjoying your winter weather and making the most of it!!



My wish!!!

I wish I was a glow worm, as a glow worms never glum. Cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum...